In the meantime, I'd sent another email to Doug in mid-November, informing him of some of the issues that were occurring in my business and suggesting that if opportunity presented itself I'd like to arrange a time when we could meet. Still no answer to the two previous emails, but I was hoping that it was due to a heavy travel schedule that he'd made mention of in our chats. By the third week of November with no more information from Henderson, I placed yet one more call to him to inform him that I was not willing to wait any longer. Imagine my concern when the phone number was no longer in service! I turned on my computer and began to pull up the Missing Link Investigations website, to find that it had been removed also.
I contacted the Chamber of Commerce in Grayson Georgia to make some preliminary enquiries to learn that the business address he had given me was simply a mail drop box. Infuriated to find that the office he always claimed he was in was nothing more than his car, I contacted the local law enforcement agency to ask if there had been any other complaints about him or his company. Sure enough, though none in Georgia, there was one listing from Texas. Yes, another woman had been taken advantage of. I shared with the detective the P I license number that he had given me, to learn that it was issued in Washington State, but not in Georgia. The police took the matter under investigation.
Crestfallen that so much time had elapsed while waiting for Henderson not to mention being out a fair amount of money to boot and that I was no closer to locating Doug, I knew that I'd be left to my own devices from this point forward. I set out on the daunting task of finding a needle in a haystack.......
A deed of dreadful note ~ Macbeth, Shakespeare
Just for your information, Mr. Henderson's license in Georgia was suspended a few years ago. He is licensed in Washington State and Oregon, although there have been so many complaints against him that Washington has him under investigation for Unprofessional Conduct. There are numerous complaints on and with the Better Business Bureau. The person he ripped off in Texas has also filed a complaint in Washington and Oregon. He moves from state to state whenever his license is suspended although he is on probation in Washington State right now because of a domestic violence conviction so he cannot leave the state.
I suspected that he would lose his Georgia licesne, based upon communications I had with the police some years ago. I filed a small claim to recoup some of the monies I'd lost, but, naturally, I wasn't surprised to learn that he never accepted service. I later suspected he'd left the state, after seeing his home advertised for sale online.
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