Lurking, as it is known in online fora is simply reading and observing without necessarily participating. The term could conjure up rather sinister imagery, but it really doesn't denote anything unpleasant, especially on information related news groups, anyway. That had been my initial intent when I joined both of the new immigration boards. I wasn't lurking to gather immigration information, although I'm always keen to learn more. My purpose was to observe Doug's behaviour within another community to see if it began to explain his abrupt departure and the reason he'd adopted a synthetic persona when chatting with me.
Of course, this online interactive environment was a whole new world for me. I'd only participated on ILW in the past, where the functionality and features of the forum were quite limited. I'd only been on Visa Journey a few days before I received the first private message and was obviously unfamiliar with how to make myself "invisible". I thought it would appear even more strange if I never made another comment. As a consequence, when I could, I'd make the occasional point or two. I purposefully chose not to ask any questions, or to intimate that I had an immigration case underway, with the express purpose of avoiding any questions of me.
Consequently, I was totally unprepared for the first few private messages to appear in my mailboxes on each of the two sites. The first contact was from a Visa Journey member, who was quite open and friendly. Curious would be a better term. The second private message appeared in my inbox from a British Expats member, who also participated on Visa Journey. This member was a little more reserved and yes, indeed, within a few days I was absolutely sure the second person to approach me was Doug. He was using the alternate ID he'd used on ILW. By that time, Doug had already received my email, filled with apologies and sharing with him that I knew he was still active on ILW, but had discarded his "irritated" ID. It wasn't my intent to be enigmatic, evasive or private, but I wanted to know if it was his habit to approach people on immigration boards and of course I was curious to know what caused him to to be drawn towards me again.
The Internet is a vast place. There are any number of immigration message boards, and each with a thousand or more active members. Neither of us was using the same identity. I don't believe there was any indication that he knew I was "swissnut" using a different moniker. So, why did we collide again? Was it coincidental or was there a reason? Was it something about me or him or something else?
Neither of the two members in contact with me appeared to be familiar with each other. I kept my conversations with each private from the other, although at one point each asked about the other. It was a little awkward to know that one of the members I was communicating with was Doug and yet I was not able to reveal or be myself. But I suspected he didn't know that I knew, nor did he know that I was someone he'd become very close with in the past. I'd need more time before I would disclose.
By early March, throughout many exchanges with both of these men it was confirmed. The biologist shared with me that he'd adopted a new identity on Visa Journey as a result of some trouble that had occurred in the past, prior to my joining the forum. He didn't reveal what ID that was, but he did divulge that he had exactly the same professional position as Doug. That's right. Both men I'd been conversing for more than two months were Doug. Both speaking with me at the same time and under different ID names. I never had the chance to let on who I was, because in mid-March, in the midst of a conversation with them both, after being asked a question that required a response, I did, but the message went unanswered.
Yes, mid-March, and the day-long communication abruptly ended mid-stride, just as the annual jaunt to California for Doug's three-month field work would commence, as it had each year before.