“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive”
~ Sir Walter Scott.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Environmental challenges
June finally arrived and so did the warmth and sunshine ~ and many visitors to the area. I was swamped with business activities, but welcomed the pace, as it meant the days moved swiftly and my loneliness was not going to be long-lived. After all, there was the invite to sail aboard "Folie a Deux" as soon as Doug finished his contract ~ by my estimation he would probably be back at the beginning of July.
I'd taken a short leave of absence from the ILW site in late April, to allow the aggressions from BS to subside and only began posting again in late June after Doug made one of his few appearances on the board. Since both of us were aware that our activity was being monitored by BS we used code to communicate publicly for the most part. His posts indicated that his project was nearing completion, although he was still in California and I conveyed that I was looking forward to his return.
In private email correspondence, I'd queried how everything was in Doug's hometown, was anyone looking after his home while he was gone and was he aware that the summer of 2004 was predicted to bring a rash of severe hurricanes through the area. He replied that he had someone who'd been looking after the house and grounds and moving his black Toyota truck occasionally from its permanent position in the driveway of his home to simulate that he was still in Tallahassee and that as far as he knew all was still intact.
In my locale, the tourist season was well underway, and the small town bursting at the seams. The swells of people flooding through our doors during the day was a promising business omen, and provided a welcome distraction from the drudgery associated with the need for yet another legal process, which would be filed at the beginning of July. I was not relishing the thought of another rash of unpleasant activities from them. Anxious not to encounter either DF or KMC, I focused my efforts on my business affairs and enjoyed the solace of my daily late evening practice of running the 5 miles of private beach that bordered my property to work off the stress that came with a busy season and the frequent hang up phone calls I'd received from them.
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