eaving the matter in Mr. Henderson's hands in the hope that by week's end I'd have more to go on before sending Doug another email, I buckled down to matters relating to my business. We'd been battling with a contract dispute for more than two months, and after ultimately capitulated to their demands in mid September, all had appeared settled. The night of my return, there was another hiccup (wave of attack might be more appropriate an expression, in retrospect) in the contract issue that needed immediate legal intervention.
To add to the stress, DF called me that day, (we were some 4 months into legal process on the separate suit) asking why I had just called him. Rubbish! I'd deleted his phonebook entry from my cell phone 9 months ago and wouldn't dream of calling him and hadn't since he'd disappeared. He hung up mid sentence, probably hoping that I would be curious enough to call him back, but I knew it was a trap. Nevertheless, I caught enough of his threat that records of phone calls would be subpoenaed in court and "We'll see who is calling whom". I suspect he and KMC were getting a little uncomfortable about what the Court would make of the numerous calls they'd made to me during the prior year or more, and were hoping I'd engage in the same idiotic pranks.
I pressed on with the business contract issue to see if a resolution could be made, to little avail. Time to bring in the big guns, I contacted our corporate counsel. I imagine that the volume of calls to and fro for the next few days between lawyers and mediators was sufficiently distracting that when Mr. Henderson called late on Friday evening, I was juggling two lines at one time. Our conversation was interrupted several times, and perhaps I missed a little of the content as I was going back and forth. He said that the initial electronic search on "Doug Reynolds" had come up blank. But they'd keep working on it. He recommended that in the next few days I compile a list of facts about Doug ~ anything that could be of importance derived from our conversations, emails, message boards and send it to him as soon as possible. Since time was of the essence he felt it wise to also find the point of origination for Doug's emails. I was asked to forward more email headers, regardless of the fact that they were delivered from an Anonmyizer account. I was a little puzzled as to how this would assist, but he answered "We have the technology" but would need another $500 retainer for the outside computer tech research firm. I queried how much this search was going to cost, and he assured me that whatever retainer was not used would be returned. Anxious to get something moving in the right direction, I agreed.
In preparing the list for Henderson that week-end, I logged on to ILW to glean anything that "irritated" might have mentioned in his posts that could be of assistance. Of course, I had not chatted with the ILW group since Doug's departure. The clan had disbanded. "Dick" hadn't been seen regularly on ILW for some time; "George" had disappeared; "Anne" made an occasional post now and then. The board was largely used by new faces on the scene with only a couple of long-standing members like sphyrapicus, Michael and Aguila who were active in the wee hours of the night as the ILW clan used to be.
To add to the stress, DF called me that day, (we were some 4 months into legal process on the separate suit) asking why I had just called him. Rubbish! I'd deleted his phonebook entry from my cell phone 9 months ago and wouldn't dream of calling him and hadn't since he'd disappeared. He hung up mid sentence, probably hoping that I would be curious enough to call him back, but I knew it was a trap. Nevertheless, I caught enough of his threat that records of phone calls would be subpoenaed in court and "We'll see who is calling whom". I suspect he and KMC were getting a little uncomfortable about what the Court would make of the numerous calls they'd made to me during the prior year or more, and were hoping I'd engage in the same idiotic pranks.
I pressed on with the business contract issue to see if a resolution could be made, to little avail. Time to bring in the big guns, I contacted our corporate counsel. I imagine that the volume of calls to and fro for the next few days between lawyers and mediators was sufficiently distracting that when Mr. Henderson called late on Friday evening, I was juggling two lines at one time. Our conversation was interrupted several times, and perhaps I missed a little of the content as I was going back and forth. He said that the initial electronic search on "Doug Reynolds" had come up blank. But they'd keep working on it. He recommended that in the next few days I compile a list of facts about Doug ~ anything that could be of importance derived from our conversations, emails, message boards and send it to him as soon as possible. Since time was of the essence he felt it wise to also find the point of origination for Doug's emails. I was asked to forward more email headers, regardless of the fact that they were delivered from an Anonmyizer account. I was a little puzzled as to how this would assist, but he answered "We have the technology" but would need another $500 retainer for the outside computer tech research firm. I queried how much this search was going to cost, and he assured me that whatever retainer was not used would be returned. Anxious to get something moving in the right direction, I agreed.
In preparing the list for Henderson that week-end, I logged on to ILW to glean anything that "irritated" might have mentioned in his posts that could be of assistance. Of course, I had not chatted with the ILW group since Doug's departure. The clan had disbanded. "Dick" hadn't been seen regularly on ILW for some time; "George" had disappeared; "Anne" made an occasional post now and then. The board was largely used by new faces on the scene with only a couple of long-standing members like sphyrapicus, Michael and Aguila who were active in the wee hours of the night as the ILW clan used to be.