imply put, if the reader follows posts to this blog in sequence from the very first post located in the archives forward to the most recent post, two separate events that would follow the course of methodical capture, lethal injection and then consumption typical of any unwitting creature caught in a tangled web, will be chronicled.
DF would only serve to begin the process. Someone that happened upon the scene later would complete the task. The viscid nature of the silken thread that comprised the shroud wrapped around me prevented my escape. The more fervent my attempts to wriggle free, the more vibrations rippled across the web. A sure-fire signal to any inhabitant that I was ensnared and vulnerable.
DF would only serve to begin the process. Someone that happened upon the scene later would complete the task. The viscid nature of the silken thread that comprised the shroud wrapped around me prevented my escape. The more fervent my attempts to wriggle free, the more vibrations rippled across the web. A sure-fire signal to any inhabitant that I was ensnared and vulnerable.
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