teady snowfall since November 2003 and raw winds cutting through the region, winter can be extremely inhospitable. By January 2004, only half way through winter of 2003, my day-to-day existence was as unsheltered as the landscapes I could see from the window of my second-storey hideout ~ chilling and devoid of a warmth I'd known from companionship and security.
The first instant message I received the morning following the ILW chat session was to offer kind apologies for his brusque comments to my questions on ILW. During the course of that first day Irri and I chatted for more than 6 hours, exchanging views on a variety of subjects. It was refreshing to have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts with someone who appeared keen to get to know me a little better. The conversation, that lasted, all told, more than 6 hours that day, danced nimbly across a myriad of subjects, each topic evolving into delightful and stimulating reparté. We quickly learned that we shared many common views. We signed off late in the day. But when I returned to my office some hours later I was delighted to find an offline message from Irri. He had a remarkable ability to make me feel at ease, something that I'd not experienced for quite some time.
After the night Irri and I met in the chat room, we chatted each day, sometimes for 8 hours or more, often well into the night. I'd arrive the following morning to find a similar offline message, dashed off long after we'd signed off, thanking me for the chats the day before. Luckily, my business was always quiet at this time of year, so I had available time and the discourse was always convivial and interesting. It was as if the ominouscloud coverr had broken and the sun was streaming onto the crisp, white, snow-clad terrain below. Naturally, I looked forward to hearing from him. A friend is a treasure.
The first instant message I received the morning following the ILW chat session was to offer kind apologies for his brusque comments to my questions on ILW. During the course of that first day Irri and I chatted for more than 6 hours, exchanging views on a variety of subjects. It was refreshing to have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts with someone who appeared keen to get to know me a little better. The conversation, that lasted, all told, more than 6 hours that day, danced nimbly across a myriad of subjects, each topic evolving into delightful and stimulating reparté. We quickly learned that we shared many common views. We signed off late in the day. But when I returned to my office some hours later I was delighted to find an offline message from Irri. He had a remarkable ability to make me feel at ease, something that I'd not experienced for quite some time.
After the night Irri and I met in the chat room, we chatted each day, sometimes for 8 hours or more, often well into the night. I'd arrive the following morning to find a similar offline message, dashed off long after we'd signed off, thanking me for the chats the day before. Luckily, my business was always quiet at this time of year, so I had available time and the discourse was always convivial and interesting. It was as if the ominouscloud coverr had broken and the sun was streaming onto the crisp, white, snow-clad terrain below. Naturally, I looked forward to hearing from him. A friend is a treasure.
Un arbre qui t'abrite, salue-le, il le mérite.
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