To my dismay when I opened it, instead of the typical warm and caring salutation and enquiry of my day so far, there was just one solitary sentence followed by a hyperlink. "At the risk of offending you, please have a look at the following link..." Sure enough the link was to a clinical description of BiPolar Disorder.
My heart sunk and I felt so sickened that my hands trembled as I drafted the subsequent instant message. "Hi Doug, I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's this all about?" An hour passed before I received notification of yet another email in my inbox. This one a little more lengthy, explaining that he and the good doctor had discussed me into the wee hours of the morning and had arrived at the conclusion that I needed to find help, and "sooner rather than later".
"Dick" was one of us ~ a member of the "Famous Five" ILW clan. Could it be that I had always considered "Dick" a friend, and he wasn't? And more importantly, what could have been discussed about me that would cause Doug to think this way of me?
A friend or one only in name.
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