In ecological terms the letter "K" symbolises carrying capacity ~ the maximum stable population size that any particular environment can support over a period of time. In other words, for any given organism there's a maximum number that can subsist, without consequential degradation of the habitat to such a degree wthat it could can no longer support them. Naturally, as population size approaches carrying capacity, availability of key resources declines.
In this recital, I'm once again taking some license as "K" also happens to represent one of the key characters whose intervention brought the carrying capacity to a point of virtual overload.
I'd been juggling a number of tasks at the end of March 2004. Preparing for my final divorce hearing, readying for the launch of a new season and pulling together tax figures on the still jointly-owned business. Until the decree absolute was issued, DF and I were still business partners, although he'd been in absentia for more than half a year, had committed acts in breach of his fiduciary duty to it, and had conscientiously attempted to hamper its continued success.
I was pleased to be able to draw together the profit and loss statements in sufficient time to mail them to his attoney's office more than two weeks in advance of the April 15th tax filing deadline. Although DF and I would file separate returns, as a joint-owner he'd be required to report 50% of any income/loss figures on his personal return. Hence, the need to provide him the figures.
Having mailed the information in what I believed was ample time for anyone to meet the tax deadline, I was shocked to be the target of more incoming artillery from none other than KMC on April 7th. She was ranting about how untimely the information was, and that I'd be required to prepare DF's tax return as both a function of my partnership responsibility and the delay in providing him the required information.
I politely informed her that I would not discuss business issues with her, in any event, and that in view of her competitive establishment, the information provided to DF's attorney was privileged and porprietary. It was laughable, really. With more than 8 days before the IRS deadline, all DF had to do for his particular return was enter the figure provided on a single line of his 1040 form, whereas my return involved many more schedules, yet I was capable enough to do them without any assistance, and had been doing so for decades. How complex could that possibly be?
I managed to comment that "due to circumstances and her association with a competing establishment, I could not show her the P & L statement and DF would be preparing his own return this year, unless he wished to be in breach of his partner agreement once more". I added that since the figures were more than straightforward to enter on an IRS 1040, that I was not DF's CPA and that if neither were competent enough to enter the figure, there was an H & R Block office that I was sure could do it for him for a mere $40.00. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to fill out the forms. My God, they had 8 days yet before they were approaching a critical time.
Nonetheless, this communication did not satisfy her, and it evoked more phone calls, which went straight into my voice mail, containing epithets and accusations that would make anyone's hair curl. I was to call to her immediately or "else". Naturally, I didn't comply, but braced for yet another round of aggressive acts.
In this recital, I'm once again taking some license as "K" also happens to represent one of the key characters whose intervention brought the carrying capacity to a point of virtual overload.

I was pleased to be able to draw together the profit and loss statements in sufficient time to mail them to his attoney's office more than two weeks in advance of the April 15th tax filing deadline. Although DF and I would file separate returns, as a joint-owner he'd be required to report 50% of any income/loss figures on his personal return. Hence, the need to provide him the figures.
Having mailed the information in what I believed was ample time for anyone to meet the tax deadline, I was shocked to be the target of more incoming artillery from none other than KMC on April 7th. She was ranting about how untimely the information was, and that I'd be required to prepare DF's tax return as both a function of my partnership responsibility and the delay in providing him the required information.
I politely informed her that I would not discuss business issues with her, in any event, and that in view of her competitive establishment, the information provided to DF's attorney was privileged and porprietary. It was laughable, really. With more than 8 days before the IRS deadline, all DF had to do for his particular return was enter the figure provided on a single line of his 1040 form, whereas my return involved many more schedules, yet I was capable enough to do them without any assistance, and had been doing so for decades. How complex could that possibly be?
I managed to comment that "due to circumstances and her association with a competing establishment, I could not show her the P & L statement and DF would be preparing his own return this year, unless he wished to be in breach of his partner agreement once more". I added that since the figures were more than straightforward to enter on an IRS 1040, that I was not DF's CPA and that if neither were competent enough to enter the figure, there was an H & R Block office that I was sure could do it for him for a mere $40.00. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to fill out the forms. My God, they had 8 days yet before they were approaching a critical time.
Nonetheless, this communication did not satisfy her, and it evoked more phone calls, which went straight into my voice mail, containing epithets and accusations that would make anyone's hair curl. I was to call to her immediately or "else". Naturally, I didn't comply, but braced for yet another round of aggressive acts.
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